
I saw the best minds of my generaton...

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Killereria's avatar

Literature Text

I saw the best minds of my generation fall to the overpowering draw of the box that sat on the table. It flashes the lights and colors of beauty and horror. It paints across the face a look of joy and fear. This box drains the creativity of the mind. It batters down a person into submission. It beats them down till they worship it this box. It changes with the minds of my generation. They stare at it’s colors and lights with an endless need for more. Like an addict to his beer or to her dope. this box traps you in it’s cage. it’s need. you rely on it’s endless supply of power and magic.
This box eats away at your chains to reality and bears down upon you like water upon rock. chipping away at your mind till it’s like sand. It drives you to rally together. to rise up and take down the enemy that is ourselves. It frees us from our chains to life and all we are. This box and it’s awesome ability to change one’s mind. to create in itself a new world in which you can lose all sense of who you are or where you are. to take away your strength and renew it. to fill your head with ideals that you never knew of that you never entertained.
You fall one by one to the power of this box and the majesties it holds. those people you never met those worlds that never existed. this box creates that bridge between the gap of you and this alternate reality. It gives you a new light on the world and it’s beauty. that creativity it drained it has now given back and the power it took it has now given back. the lights are pulled back from your face to give a new color a new light that you create. your world your reality filled with the most imaginative stories and people.
It is all consuming, this box. It is your ticket to freedom.your bus ride to nowhere. a place where you can build your love and life. where your fantasies and fetishes can be brought to life. a change from the greyness of reality and darkness. and the blinds lifted from your eyes. you have no filter, no ban, no rules. anything goes. and anything’s possible. this box opens your world to the light. the truth that is every thing, and yet nothing.
I saw the best minds of my generation fall to reality and the fact that it is better than the box. but it’s not true. without this box reality is not valid.nothing would make sense in a world that never made sense.
um... for class and well the first line 'i saw the best minds of my generation...' is from allen ginsburg's poem HOWL. and this was for class.

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